Friday, 27 September 2019

Poster of the meetings C1 and C2

Flipped classroom

The Flipped Classroom 
Maths Lesson: Function Graphs

The survey results presentation for C3

“Reflective Teaching/Learning Strategies which potentially influence ICT and Maths classroom motivation”  

Poster for C3

Video interview for C3

 Video about reflective practice in teaching/learning ICT and Maths lessons 

- Do you like working in teams in your ICT and Math classes and why?
- I like it. It isn’t always as easy as it seems to be since people aren’t always eager to collaborate but once they overcome it, a lot of benefits appear, such as social skills development and discipline.

- What methods encourage you to participate in classroom activities?
- One of them is Flipped classroom, where teams of students need to present their topic in front of the class and work in teams after, solving math problems or any other given task.

- What are the most valuable aspects of Flipped classroom for you?
- First of all, it makes students collaborate, what definitely brings them useful skills for the future. It is also worth mentioning as an excellent self-education opportunity. Students work hard on finding suitable information across the internet and discuss the information they found with their teacher and other students. This, in my opinion, allows them to learn something new effectively rather than just simply listen to the teacher’s explanations.  This also encourages students to do their homework! Typically, no one really wants to disappoint their team so students try their best to be active and not to give up on their colleagues. It is also worth mentioning that such classes help learners to bridge the gap between theory and practice, since students not only search for formulas online, but also find their use in real world, like we did in our Math class by presenting some examples on how architects use function graphs in their structures or how engineers visualize data.

- Do you always get enough time for reflection in the classroom?
- I wouldn’t say so. Reflection is usually done very quickly.

- Why do you think it is important?
- Self-reflection on the progress is, I think, one of the most important parts in education. If a person understands his/her weaknesses in particular topic, it helps them to make clear what aspects need to be improved or learned. Such student bridges this gap and goes on studying new things more effectively.

- What motivates you to study?
- Majorly my thoughts about the future. Currently I am in my last year and with university ahead it is crucial to realize your goals, strengths and weaknesses.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

The survey results about reflection of the participations, developments and the fulfilment of expectations of the C2 project exchange

C2 project exchange

The C2 project exchange, Vilnius

Padlet QR code for C2

The Poster for C2

Motivational Strategies, a poster presentation
Teaching Strategies (high tech and teacher centred): Reflective teaching can be achieved through the use of some new, high tech and efficient methodological approaches as dynamic, CLIL, flipped lessons, experiential, cooperative and metacognition learning and strategies as self-analyses, digital storytelling, journal or blog writing for engaging learners in reflective practice.                                  Learning Strategies (high tech and student centred):Reflective Learning is a process where students think over their learning practices, analysing how the subjects can be learnt and how the practice might be improved or changed for better learning process. It is a personal tool that students can use to observe and evaluate the way they behave in their classroom. It can be achieved through some new, high tech learning practices and strategies as: personalized ,game-based, experiential, inquiry-based ,expeditionary and kinaesthetic learning, differentiated instructions.

The Prezi of the topic

The link to the presentation

“Reflective Teaching/Learning Strategies which potentially influence Science classroom motivation”  

(Introduction)  The purpose of this report is to present the results of the interviews and survey carried out among the teachers and students of Vasily Kachialov gymnasium into application of the 4 methodologies in teaching/learning process of Science and Mathematics.                                  (Methodology)  The teachers and students were asked some questions about the typology and informative aspects of the Reflective lessons.  
1. Just under a half (48%) of the interviewers use active methods in teaching/learning process. 2. Well over three quarters (81%) of respondents evaluate their teaching/learning the Science subject through formal and informal methods, peer and self-assessment. 3. Around a quarter (23%) of teachers and students use IT tools (apps, programmes and etc.) at the lessons. 4. There were a variety of variants mentioned by the teachers and students for improving or changing the teaching/learning process for better outcomes, including the introduction of the high tech, inquiry and game-based teaching/learning practices as well as sharing the gained experience.

(Analysis)  Moving to the survey, the main question was about the most effective methods of teaching/learning Science, we want to point out that 33% of teachers consider CLIL and Flipped lessons as the most effective, just under a half (48%) of students think it is Experiential learning. Half of the teachers (50%) think that the flipped classroom enhances the collaboration among students and allows them to explore the subject in a deeper manner. 75% of the Science teachers mentioned that CLIL increases students motivation to learn Science. Just under a half (48%) of the teachers think that experiential learning and the debate lessons encourage students to be more engaged in the learning process and develop students’ critical thinking. In conclusion, it seems that 100% of teachers feel more motivated to teach Science and Mathematics when using the methodologies.

The link to the project documents

The official banner of C2 project exchange

The poster of the C2, Vilnius


The report about the C1

The C1 short term project

The Best Moments of the C1

The photos of the C1

The winning logo

The official project logo

The student


The project planning and workshops

C1,the ‘R.E.A.L’ Short Term Joint Staff Training Event

C1, The ‘R.E.A.L’ Short Term Joint Staff Training Event
25 November – 01 December, 2018
I.I.S.”Concetto Marchesi”, Mascalucia, Italy
The project coordinators




Presentation about the project


Prezi about V.Kachialov gymnasium